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The Office of Graduate Studies partners with Graduate Program Coordinators to provide support to students in all of Sonoma State's master's degree programs. Graduate Studies provides students with guidance on navigating important deadlines and polices, and supports the final steps of degree completion (see Academic Requirement Report, GSO2 form) and thesis review.  

We encourage graduate students to engage in all that Sonoma State has to offer. Our office hosts events every semester, from Fall's New Graduate Student Orientation to semester mixers for graduate students.

Graduate Students will get the most out of their experience by utilizing SSU's world-class library, Writing Center, and Recreation Center, and by attending any of the numerous campus events. The Seawolf calendar to is a great way to stay informed.


Graduate Studies Fair - Friday, Oct. 11 @ 11:00 AM

Are you interested in graduate school? Considering what to do for the next step? Come to the GRADUATE STUDIES FAIR to learn more and explore what SSU has to offer! Friday, October 11 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Student Center Ballrooms B & C. Presentations start at 11:15 AM.

Graduate Studies Fall Mixer - Thursday, Sept. 11 @ 5:00

Enjoy food, drinks, and getting to know the Grad Studies community at our Graduate Studies Fall Mixer! Thursday, September 12, 5:00 to 7:00 PM in the Wine Spectator Learning Center 1001 & Patio. Can't wait to see you there!

Congratulations to our 2024 Grad Slam participants!

All of our Grad Slam participants gave incredible presentations this year. Well done all! This year's 1st place winner is Madison Stein from Biology, and our 2nd place winner is Hale Garcia-Dean from Biology! Watch them compete in the CSU Grad Slam on Friday, May 3, 2024. 

Welcome Spring 2023 Incoming Graduate Students

To all of our new Graduate Students, WELCOME! We are excited to have new Seawolves in the Grad Studies family. The Office of Graduate Studies is here to support you throughout your journey, and we look forward to getting to know you all.

Congratulations to our Fall 2023 Graduates!

We are so proud of your accomplishments and wish you the best with all of your future endeavors! Please come back and visit and tell us where you have landed after SSU. 

Introducing the Graduate Studies Spotlight

Stay tuned to learn about all of the exciting things going on in Graduate Studies here at Sonoma State. We will share new stories of our students, faculty, and programs each week! Check out Graduate Studies Spotlight now!