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Grad Slam 2025

SSU Grad Slam 2024 is on Friday, April 4, 2025 at 1:00 PM. This virtual event is the annual Sonoma State University three-minute scholar competition hosted by the Office of Graduate Studies. SSU Grad Slam is a fast-paced and exciting event in which graduate students present their research, scholarship, and creativity in just THREE minutes or less.

Winners of the SSU Grad Slam will receive prizes, gain valuable experience delivering a professional presentation, and will represent Sonoma State at the CSU-wide Grad Slam competition on Friday, May 9, 2025, hosted by California State University San Bernadino.

This event will showcase and celebrate our graduate students as they present their research and creative activities. Student presentations will be evaluated by a panel of judges on how well they engage a non-specialist audience and whether they effectively communicate a clear and logical sequence of key concepts that reflect the impact of their ideas.

Graduate students across all disciplines are encouraged to participate in the SSU Grad Slam Competition. SSU Graduate Students have been winners in both of the first two (2021 and 2022) CSU-wide Grad Slam competitions, including Audience Choice Winner and State-wide Champion.

SSU Grad Slam 2025 flyer

Rules, Tips, & Examples

To learn more about the rules of the competition and get tips for developing your slide and presentation, see our Rules & Regulations document. Also watch past presentations from finalists in the CSU Grad Slam from past years!

Grad Slam Rules & Regulations (PDF)