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Thesis Review

All formal theses and creative projects require review by the Office of Graduate Studies and will be cataloged at the SSU Library. 

Please see Deadlines & Checklists for thesis submission deadlines. Theses are due at the same time as the Completion of Requirements (GSO2) form.

Thesis Submission and Review

After a student's thesis has been reviewed and signed off on by a student's committee the theses should be submitted digitally to the Office of Graduate Studies, along with the Thesis Signature Form and Master's Thesis Submission Agreement.


The Office of Graduate Studies will review each thesis to ensure that it complies with the formatting and style required for digital publishing via Scholarworks. See the Master's Thesis and Project Formatting Guidelines for a detailed description and examples of the required formatting.

Master's Thesis and Project Formatting Guidelines (PDF) - updated February 2023


The Office of Graduate Studies holds Master's Thesis Formatting Workshops each semester to breakdown the formatting that is required and give tips and tricks for how to create the format. Check out the upcoming workshops!

Digital Thesis Repository - SSU Scholarworks

To access SSU's digital repository of theses navigate to Master's Theses on the SSU Scholarworks webpage

It can take up to a few months for new theses to be added to Scholarworks. Please direct any questions to

Copyright and Fair Use

To use or reproduce work that has been copyrighted, it is necessary either to obtain the permission of the copyright holder, or come within the "Fair Use" exception as defined in U.S. copyright law.

Since the law does not provide clear direction in this area, the CSU Office of General Counsel has created a document to help determine whether a proposed use of copyrighted material falls within the category of Fair Use.

Handbook of Copyright and Fair Use (PDF)