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Former SSU Student Leads Worldwide Biodiversity

Photo of Kristy Deiner in the field

Former Sonoma State University student, Kristy Deiner (Biology MS, 2004), was highlighted in Nature News for leading the largest one-day aquatic biodiversity sampling effort in the world. She, and her team, are enrolling citizen scientists from around the globe to collect water samples from 800 lakes worldwide on May 22, the International Day for Biodiversity. The samples will be sent to her research group at the university ETH Zurich, in Switzerland where they will conduct analyses of environmental DNA (eDNA) in the water samples. Using this technique, they will identity the range of species detected from the lakes, which serve to collect DNA evidence of species present in both the lakes and from the upstream environments. Kristy was both an undergraduate and graduate student in the Department of Biology at Sonoma State and has remained engaged in supporting student research at SSU even from far away home in Switzerland.

For more information you can find the article HERE